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Fantasy Age Core Rulebook Pdf Download

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RPG: Fantasy AGE

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Primary Name

Fantasy AGE

RPG System

AGE (Adventure Game Engine) System

RPG Mechanic

Attribute/Stat Based (STR, CON, PER, etc)

Class Based (Pilot, Wizard, Scientist, etc)

Dice (Primarily d6)

Level Based (Earn XP and level up)

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2015 Golden Geek RPG of the Year Nominee

Alternate Names

Fantasy Adventure Game Engine

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Fantasy Age is the AGE system reworked from the version used in Dragon Age to provide players and GMs with a broader fantasy experience, not linked to the world of Thedas. The rules will be similar to Dragon Age's rules, but with some changes to character creation, especially the magic system for mages. The first release for Fantasy Age will be its corebook, intentionally designed as a shorter, more streamlined book to help get you ready to play quickly.

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Rank 0
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4 Fantasy Age Action and Stunt Cheat Sheets

Updated stunt and action cheat sheets and other handy quick reference tables for players and GMs




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